What a Wunder-full year it’s been!

From Artsy Garden Hubs to Afterworks with HalleWien. From the wave of guests during Reindorfgassenfest to magical events with Unlock-Me and Zuckerlkettenfrau.

Together with the Worldtrash.Foundation we started to learn and implement what we could about eco-friendly partying. There’s always room for improvement and the journey is never-ending but we’re incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved so far.

Like the Green Event Award 2021 for our workshop-fest in cooperation with the Worldtrash.foundation. 

A special thanks to you, Wunder-People without whom none of this would’ve been possible. You were incredible guests here in Vienna and especially in Albania! We can’t wait show you what else is yet to come.
WunderWandel stands for ever changing wonders in unimaginable ways, challenging the status quos and working on a greener, more inclusive party-scene. 

Join our adventure, we promise you, it sure is fun!